Springwood Tree Services Ltd is committed to undertaking our practices as sustainably as possible and with conservation always in mind. Springwood recognises & practices consideration to the environment as a priority and therefore actively implements this policy during all arboricultural activities. We recognise our responsibility to prevent pollution in all parts of our operations, safeguard the environment and take positive steps to minimise the environmental impacts of our operations. We aim to comply with applicable legislation, regulations and industry codes of practice, and seek to implement best practice always.
Waste Management and Recycling
Our commitment to minimise waste and recycle wherever possible is a priority. We leave logs and brash on-site as wildlife habitat wherever practicably possible, otherwise logs are left on site where possible and green arisings are chippers using a well maintained chipper and recycled as compost & mulch in our tree planting operations and as surface for poultry, on farms (in gateways), play areas, footpaths and for planting in domestic gardens.
Environmental Impact
Our commitment wherever possible is to lessen our environmental impact by:
Working within guidelines set out in:
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (amended 2004)
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
The Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986
Part III of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
The Environmental Protection Act 1990
The Pollution Prevention & Control Act 1999.
The Protection of Badgers Act 1992
Hazardous Waste (England & Waste) Regulations 2005
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (2002)
The Environment Act 1995
Ensuring that all persons engaged by the company have a sound knowledge of the impact of our business on the environment and what they can do to reduce it.
Using energy and water efficiently and optimise our use of natural resources.
Keeping areas clean and tidy, communicate with local people and clients to ensure that our activities cause minimum disruption.
Using bio-degradable chainsaw oil and recycling oil containers where possible.
Encouraging modes of transport, which minimise environmental impact, ensure that our staff are aware of efficient driving and examine the operation of our vehicles on a weekly basis.
Purchasing equipment designed to reduce environmental impact.
Working within guidelines set out in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000, the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986 and Part III of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985.
Holding a Waste Carriers Licence issued by the Environment Agency – a legal requirement for the moving of green waste material. Our registration number is CBDL284244
Regularly monitoring, auditing and reviewing our environmental programme to ensure continuous improvement, and identify examples of best practice that will be shared throughout the company.
Wildlife Protection
All birds and their nests and eggs are protected by law under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000) and the Habitat Regulations (2007).
Many other species of animals are also protected including bats, badgers, dormice and newts. Springwood Tree Services Ltd routinely undertake a Habitat Disturbance Assessment at all sites before undertaking any tree work.
Where it is known, or it is believed to be likely that, protected species or their habitats may be present, full consideration will be given to minimising the effect of any proposed tree work on these species. These measures may include any of the following:
Postponing or abandoning work around active habitats.
Seeking expert advice and/or employing the services of an ecologist
Modifying works to avoid affected areas – for example retaining trunks as standing dead wood if identified as being suitable for habitat provision
Specifying works to be undertaken in such a way so as to reduce the impact of these works
Retaining brash and logs on-site to provide extra wildlife habitat
All team members are aware of the current legislation around protected species and their habitats.
Veteran Trees
Springwood Tree Services Ltd recognise the value of these unique ancient habitats. Veteran trees require specialised management techniques, with long term ecological considerations. We are committed to giving the most up to date advice on the management of veteran trees and their associated habitats.