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Working with nature every day, we have a sound approach to the environment. Often working alongside ecologists, we make sure that birds, bats, newts, badgers and other wildlife are not at risk whilst tree work is carried out.  


Wildlife Protection

All birds and their nests and eggs are protected by law under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000) and the Habitat Regulations (2007).


Many other species of animals are also protected including bats, badgers, dormice and newts. Springwood Tree Services Ltd routinely undertake a Habitat Disturbance Assessment at all sites before undertaking any tree work.

Where it is known, or it is believed to be likely that, protected species or their habitats may be present, full consideration will be given to minimising the effect of any proposed tree work on these species. These measures may include any of the following:

  • Postponing or abandoning work around active habitats.

  • Seeking expert advice and/or employing the services of an ecologist

  • Modifying works to avoid affected areas – for example retaining trunks as standing dead wood if identified as being suitable for habitat provision

  • Specifying works to be undertaken in such a way so as to reduce the impact of these works

  • Retaining brash and logs on-site to provide extra wildlife habitat

All team members are aware of the current legislation around protected species and their habitats.


Bird Nesting Season - UK 

There is a common misconception that all tree surgery in the UK must stop between the months of March and September and that simply isn’t true. 

What the law does mean is that we have to be extra vigilant when cutting trees and hedges during the summer months to ensure that we don’t disrupt nesting birds and other wildlife.

As professional arborists it is down to us to assess, record and confirm that any tree surgery carried out for the management of trees and other vegetation has not disturbed actively nesting wildlife.

We always (regardless of month) conduct visual surveys of the trees and hedges we are asked to quote and then again when we begin work – if we spot an active nest of any kind we postpone the necessary tree surgery until the end of nesting season. It’s just common sense!


Veteran Trees

Springwood Tree Services Ltd recognise the value of these unique ancient habitats. Veteran trees require specialised management techniques, with long term ecological considerations. We are committed to giving the most up to date advice on the management of veteran trees and their associated habitats.



As professional arborists we take our responsibility to assess, record and confirm that any tree surgery carried out will not disturb actively nesting wildlife seriously.

We always (regardless of month) conduct visual surveys of the trees and hedges when site visits to quote are undertaken and then again immediately before we begin work – if we spot an active nest of any kind, the work is postponed until we are sure the nest is no longer




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Slate House Farm

Gainsborough Rd,

North Clifton,

Newark, Notts.

Springwood Tree Services (Thorney) Ltd

Registered Company No: 8859404



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07765 658935

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